SSAT-ISEE Test Prep Arithmetic Review--Exambusters Flash Cards--Workbook 2 of 3: SSAT Exam Study Guide

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SSAT-ISEE Prep Flashcard Workbook 2: ARITHMETIC REVIEW 600 questions and answers highlight essential arithmetic definitions, problems, and concepts. Topics: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Whole Numbers; Fractions and Decimals, Multiplication Tables, Word Problems, Percents, Measurement, Metric System, Square Roots and Powers, Real Numbers, Properties of Numbers [==================] ADDITIONAL WORKBOOKS: SSAT-ISEE Prep Flashcard Workbook 1: MIDDLE SCHOOL VOCABULARY-Review 300 basic words every high school freshman should know. Includes part of speech, pronunciation, succinct, easy-to-remember definition, and common synonyms and antonyms. _______________ SSAT-ISEE Prep Flashcard Workbook 3: ALGEBRA REVIEW 450 questions and answers that highlight introductory algebra definitions, problems, and concepts. Topics: Algebraic Concepts, Sets, Variables, Exponents, Properties of Numbers, Simple Equations, Signed Numbers, Monomials, Polynomials, Additive and Multiplicative Inverse, Word Problems, Prime Numbers, Factoring, Algebraic Fractions, Ratio and Proportion, Variation, Radicals, Quadratic Equations ====================================== EXAMBUSTERS SSAT and ISEE Prep Workbooks provide comprehensive, fundamental SSAT and ISEE review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice SSAT and ISEE tests. Each SSAT and ISEE study guide focuses on one specific subject area covered on the SSAT and ISEE exams. From 300 to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the SSAT and ISEE series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing SSAT and ISEE flash cards is the first step toward more confident SSAT and ISEE preparation and ultimately, higher SSAT and ISEE exam scores!

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